Year |
Grantees and Purposes |
2019 |
Evangelical Lutheran Church Social Service, to provide elderly scarvengers with another employment alternative by training them to work in community canteens. |
2018 |
The Chinese Rhenish Church Hong Kong Synod, to enhance empoyment of young-olds through training and matching them with frail or single elders who need out-patient escort and home cleaning services etc. |
2018 |
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf, to support hearing impaired young people to participate in a leadership summercamp in Netherlands. |
2017 |
Junior Chamber International Island (Hong Kong), to support elders with no flying experience to go for a trip to Taipei, paired up with tertiary institution students to promote intergenerational harmony. |
2016 |
The Hong Kong Society for the Deaf, to support hearing impaired young people to participate in a leadership summercamp in Denmark. |
2016 |
BLOOM Association Hong Kong, to support a reef fish survey to expand and update scientific evidence and knowledge about Hong Kong’s reef fish qualitative abundance, diversity, presence, and locality |
2013 |
Médecins Sans Frontières, to support the emergency relief work in response to Typhoon Haiyan (Yolanda) in the Philippines |
2013 |
Friends of Dunhuang (HK) Limited, to sponsor the digitalization project of grotto No. 45 of the Mogao Caves in Dunhuang for future purposes in preservation, education and research |
2012 |
St. James Settlement, to sponsor deprived deafened elders to buy hearing aids and communicate with others again |
2012 |
Animals Asia Foundation, to support the Dr. Dog Programme which arranges dogs to pay friendly visits to hospitals, schools and homes for the elderly and disabled etc. |
2012 |
Summerbridge Hong Kong, to support a summer programme to provide intensive English immersion course for teenagers from deprived families |
2011 |
Hong Kong Liver Foundation, to conduct a publicity campaign on liver donation and liver health |
2009 |
Department of Medicine at HKU, to support a research project in relation to basic research on the action of arsenic trioxide in lung cancer |
2003 |
HKU, to establish the Simon K. Y. Lee Endowed Professorship in Gastroenterology |
2002 |
HKU, to support the establishment of the New Faculty Complex of the Faculty of Medicine |
1999 |
Sunbeam Children’s Foundation, to support the establishment of a residential in Baiwan, Guangdong providing education and accommodation to local children from deprived families |
1995 |
HKU, to support the establishment of The University of Hong Kong Foundation for Educational Development and Research |
1995 |
HKU, to establish the Simon K Y Lee Digestive Disease Laboratory at the Queen Mary Hospital |
1992 |
Lions Eye Bank of Hong Kong, to establish the first eye bank in Hong Kong, The Kung Wah Lee Eye Tissue Laboratory at the Prince of Wales Hospital |